Protective Clothing

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Aprons cover the front of the worker from the chest to the knee or below. Sometimes called bib aprons, they are sleeveless and have an open back, so workers who wear them all day stay cooler than wearing garments that cover the front and back.


Hairnets are tight-fitting headwear worn over hair to prevent loose hair from falling into food, pharmaceuticals, and other substances to help ensure a clean and hygienic work area. They are sometimes worn to keep hair in place when wearing face shields and other protective equipment.


Bouffants are loose-fitting headwear that are worn over hair to prevent loose hair from falling into food, pharmaceuticals, and other substances to help ensure a clean and hygienic work area. They are made of breathable woven fabric and have an elastic band to keep them in place. Bouffants have a tighter weave than hairnets, making them easier to see and lowering the risk of contamination. They are worn in food processing applications and medical settings.


  • Nylon
  • Buckle
  • Blue
  • Multiple size